
  [Definitie:] "An ergogenic aid is any substance or phenomenon that enhances performance." (Wilmore and Costill)

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The anabolic influence of aminopyrine

Edward Ehrlich, Kathleen Lugibihl, Richard Landau
University of Chicago School of Medicine, Chicago
Metabolism. Volume 13, Issue 9, September 1964, Pages 799-807

Aminopyrine was anabolic when administered to 5 normal, young male subjects in usual therapeutic dosages, as indicated by diminished urinary nitrogen, creatine and inorganic phosphorus.

The anabolic effect with the dosages of aminopyrine employed in this study was slightly less than but comparable in magnitude to that resulting from the intramuscular administration of 25 mg daily of testosterone propionate.

In 1 study the anticipated catabolic influence of intramuscular progesterone was partially offset by the simultaneous oral administration of aminopyrine.

Although the effect of aminopyrine upon electrolyte metabolism was variable, a weak sodium retaining influence was suggested by the occurrence of sodium retention during treatment in 1 study and of moderate natriuresis in every instance after treatment was discontinued.

Aminopyrine is a highly effective analgesic, antipyretic agent which has virtually been discarded from the therapeutic armamentarium because of the frequency of agranulocytosis associated with its administration. Renewed interest in aminopyrine or its congeners by clinical pharmacologists might be warranted on the basis of the anabolic property noted in this study.

Metabolism. 1964 Sep;13:799-807.




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