Aspirine is een kankermedicijn
Net zoals mensen die een infarct of beroerte hebben gehad dagelijks een lage dosis aspirine slikken om herhaling te voorkomen, zo zullen in de nabije toekomst kankerpatiënten waarschijnlijk dagelijks 75-100 milligram aspirine gaan gebruiken om hun overlevingskansen te vergroten. Dat suggereert een meta-analyse die onderzoekers van Cardiff University in Wales hebben gepubliceerd in PLoS One.
Aspirine en kanker
Uitgesplitst naar kankertype lijkt aspirine vooral effectief bij darmkanker, maar ook bij prostaat- en borstkanker is het gebruik van aspirine beloftevol.
"Aspirin benefit in colorectal cancers, and possible other cancers, may be restricted to patients with tumours expressing certain genetic mutations [in PIK3CA, COX2 - ed.]. However, other benefits of low-dose aspirin, including reductions in metastatic spread and in vascular events, including venous thromboembolism appear to be independent of these biomarkers, and so information on aspirin should be given to patients whatever the state of the possible biomarkers."
"The heterogeneity within the currently available studies–both between different cancers, and within the different studies of each cancer, together with evidence suggesting some publication bias, are such that further evidence from a number of adequately powered randomised, placebo controlled trials is urgently required, including trials of less common cancers."
"Evidence on the possible role of aspirin in uncommon cancers, and the possible enhancement of its effect if mutation and other markers of increased sensitivity to the actions of aspirin, are also urgently needed. Much of this evidence could come from further observational studies."
"Nevertheless, despite the need for randomised trials, we believe the evidence of benefit from aspirin is sufficiently persuasive that physicians should engage with patients in a presentation and discussion of aspirin as an additional treatment."
"Furthermore, we hold that patients should be given this evidence within the context of a healthy lifestyle, they should be allowed to make their own decision about aspirin therapy, and should then be supported in whatever decision they make."
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