Groen in de buurt vermindert kans op borstkanker
Toen de onderzoekers het effect van lichaamsbeweging en milieuverontreiniging - in de vorm van fijnstof of stikstof - wegpoetsten, stond de beschermende werking van groen nog steeds overeind. Het was dus niet zo dat vrouwen die woonden in een groene omgeving meer bewogen of schonere lucht inademden dan vrouwen die niet in een groene omgeving woonden.
De onderzoekers hebben geen onderscheid gemaakt tussen gebieden waar reguliere boeren actief waren en landbouwgebieden die op een biologische manier werden bewerkt.
"We found a linear correlation between distance from green spaces and breast cancer risk", verduidelijkt onderzoeksleider Mark Nieuwenhuijsen. "In other words, the risk of breast cancer in the population declines, the closer their residence is to an urban green space."
"These findings highlight the importance of natural spaces for our health and show why green spaces are an essential component of our urban environment, not just in the form of isolated areas but as a connective network linking the whole urban area and benefitting all its inhabitants."
"We still don't know which characteristics of natural spaces are the most beneficial and nor do we understand the mechanisms underpinning these beneficial health impacts", zegt co-auteur Manolis Kogevinas. "Other studies have shown that the mechanisms that might explain the health benefits of green spaces include higher levels of physical activity in the population and a reduction in air pollution, an environmental hazard clearly linked to the onset of cancer. However, we did not observe these associations."
"We believe that other mechanisms - including lower levels of stress among people living close to green spaces - could play a role, but more research is needed to confirm this hypothesis."