Deze vorm van krachttraining is net zo goed voor hart en bloedvaten als hardlopen
Studie Een eerste experimentele groep ging 3 keer per week duurtrainen. Gedurende 45-60 minuten renden de studentes in deze groep op een treadmill. Naarmate de vrouwen fitter werden, verzwaarden de onderzoekers de sessies door de helling van de treadmill te vergroten. Een tweede experimentele groep ging 3 keer per week circuittraining doen. Het circuit bestond uit krachtoefeningen, waarvan de onderzoekers tijdens de periode de belasting verhoogden. Details over de circuittraining zie je in de tabel hieronder. Klik erop voor een grotere versie.
De LDL-spiegel en de glucosespiegel waren na 8 weken significant lager in de circuittraining- en treadmillgroep dan in de controlegroep. De concentratie triglyceriden zakte in alle groepen.
Conclusie "Moreover, no differential effects between the applied physical exercise programs were evidenced. Since the applied physical exercise programs lasted 8 weeks, it may be concluded that both types of exercise were equally effective with regard to changes in the observed parameters of cardiovascular risk." "Circuit resistance training included exercises done with own body weight, weight machines and handheld weights. Since all participants were tested on their strength capacity prior to the study, individualized training programs were developed and applied throughout the study course. In addition, every two weeks, additional screening of the strength capacities was done, which allowed us to redesign the volume and intensity of training." "Endurance training consisted of treadmill exercising, and prior to study, all participants were tested for their initial endurance capacity. The result of each participant was then recorded and used in the training design, which, together with training load monitoring, resulted in appropriate and precise workloads in each training session." "Altogether, this design almost certainly influenced the efficacy of both physical exercise modalities." Bron: Meer: