Norvaline doodt hersencellen
In nogal wat preworkout-formules en NO-boosters stopt de supplementen-industrie het aminozuur norvaline. Of norvaline veilig is, heeft de industrie verzuimd te onderzoeken. En da's jammer, verzuchten Australische wetenschappers in Toxicology in Vitro. Zij ontdekten dat norvaline hersencellen doodt.
Norvaline wordt aangemaakt door een aantal micro-organismen als biologisch wapen tegen concurrerende organismen. De supplementenindustrie stopt synthetisch norvaline wel eens in sportsupplementen, en dan vooral in preworkout-formules en NO-boosters. Norvaline saboteert in het lichaam arginase, en zorgt er zo voor dat er meer arginine overblijft voor de omzetting in NO. Vandaar.
Of suppletie met norvaline sporters echt beter laat presteren? Dat is nooit onderzocht. En of norvaline veilig is evenmin.
"Protein requirements are higher in very active individuals and proteins are considered to improve and increase performance", zegt Samardzic. "The demand for amino acids in supplements has expanded but in addition to the normal protein-building amino acids other 'non-protein' amino acids are being taken."
"Some non-protein amino acids are toxic because they can mimic protein amino acids and deceive the body into making faulty proteins; a property used by some plants to kill predators."
"Some plants can even release non-protein amino acids into the soil to kill other plants so that they can have access to all the nutrients. Chemical warfare among plants is a well known phenomenon. Since there was evidence that L-norvaline has antimicrobial and herbicidal activity we examined its toxicity in human cells."
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