Het bescheiden afslankeffect van chlorogeenzuur
Suppletie met 300 milligram chlorogeenzuren - de bioactieve stoffen in Green Coffee Bean-extract - per dag kan de hoeveelheid buikvet een beetje verminderen, schrijven onderzoekers van de Japanse Kao Corporation in Nutrients. Het effect dat de Japanners rapporteren is beduidend kleiner dan in eerder verschenen studies. En stukken geloofwaardiger.
Chlorogeenzuuranalogen zijn naast cafeïne de belangrijkste bioactieve bestanddelen van koffie. Ze zijn ook de belangrijkste bestanddelen in de Green Coffee Bean-extracten die je in allerlei afslanksupplementen kunt tegenkomen, en die volgens sommige frauduleuze studies wel tot 8 kilo gewichtsverlies zouden kunnen leiden.
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Volgens scans van de buik hadden de proefpersonen in de experimentele groep na afloop van de trial ietsiepietsie minder buikvet. Dit effect was statistisch sterker dan dat van hierboven, maar desondanks nog steeds bescheiden.
"According to a human clinical trial comparing daily consumption of roasted coffee containing 359 mg chlorogenic acids and placebo coffee for one week, repeated consumption of chlorogenic acids decreased the respiratory quotient and increased oxygen consumption, which means that both energy expenditure and fat oxidation were increased." [J. Health. Sci. 2010, 56, 745-51.]
"Furthermore, feeding green coffee bean extract containing chlorogenic acids to mice with diet-induced obesity affects body fat accumulation, with a dose-dependent inhibition of the increase in body weight and accumulation of visceral fat and liver fat." [Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Jan;300(1):E122-33.]
"In addition, analysis of the expression of energy metabolism-related genes in the liver revealed significantly decreased messenger RNA expression of stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1, acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 (ACC1), and ACC2, which are involved in fatty-acid oxidation, after mice were administered green coffee bean extract containing chlorogenic acids for two weeks."
"Decreased expression of stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 and ACC1, which are involved in fatty-acid synthesis, promotes energy expenditure, and decreased ACC2 expression increases fatty-acid oxidation in the mitochondria through the reduced production of malonyl CoA, which inhibits carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1."
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