Krachtsporter op dieet verliest meer vet door supplement met betaïne
De ene groep studentes slikte dagelijks 2.5 gram betaïne. De proefpersonen verdeelden die inname over twee momenten van de dag. De andere groep slikte een placebo.
Anders dan in andere studies, had betaïne geen effect op de toename van de vetvrije massa. Beide groepen wonnen ongeveer evenveel kilo's vetvrije massa.
De afwezigheid van effect op de lean body mass was misschien het gevolg van het dieet van beide groepen proefpersonen, schrijven de onderzoekers.
"Subjects in the present study consumed approximately 27 kcal/kg/day, which is well below World Health Organization recommendations of 35 kcal/kg/day for physically active young women."
"Dietary factors, specifically suboptimal total energy and protein intake, were a limitation in the present study. While we attempted to clarify food journals to ensure accurate dietary analysis, and although under reporting of food intakes are common in the literature, subjects in the present study were likely in a caloric deficit."
"Despite these limitations, we can glean some practical information from the results. In particular, the results of this study suggest that betaine may be an effective fat loss supplement for females on a restricted calorie diet engaged in a resistance training program."
"Additionally, the trend for some enhancements in work capacity may be particularly useful to coaches working with female athletes in the aesthetic sports who commonly consume very little calories and have high training volumes in the weeks leading up to competition."
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