Krachttraining in de morgen net zo effectief als krachttraining in de avond
Het maakt eigenlijk niet uit of je nu 's morgens met gewichten traint of 's avonds. De biologische klok van het lichaam dicteert dan wel dat het spieren later op de dag beter reageren op krachttraining, maar dat effect is zo klein dat de meeste sporters er geen rekening mee hoeven te houden. Dat schrijven Australische bewegingswetenschappers van Victoria University in een metastudie die is verschenen in Chronobiology International.
Andersom, als de proefpersonen 's avonds hadden getraind, dan konden ze 's avonds een beetje meer kracht ontwikkelen dan als ze 's ochtends hadden getraind. Dat verschil was iets groter dan het bovengenoemde, maar desalnietemin nog steeds bescheiden.
"By contrast, training in the evening maintains the general differences in the strength expression across different times of the day."
"Training both in the morning and in the evening hours may produce similar improvements in strength regardless of the time at which the testing sessions are conducted. This is likely given that training in the morning and in the evening hours also improves strength when assessed in a specific and in a non-training specific time of day."
"Finally, increases in muscle hypertrophy are similar."
"Therefore, individuals interested in participating in resistance exercise should choose the time of the day for training that will ultimately facilitate long-term training adherence."
"For sports coaches and trainers, it is interesting to note that after a period of training in the morning hours, strength levels in these hours appear to become similar to those observed in the evening. However, when training in the evening hours, the general difference in strength between morning and evening hours does not change."
"These findings may be of considerable value from a practical standpoint as they highlight that if the specific time of competition for an athlete is known in advance, at least some of the training sessions should be organized so that they coincide with the competition time of day (to ensure a positive time-specific performance)."
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