Chlorella is een antigif tegen dioxines Chlorella ontgift, vertellen ze je in de supplementenwinkels. Verkooppraatje, dachten wij altijd. Todat we stuitten op een bijkans vergeten Japanse dierstudie uit 1999, waarin suppletie met chlorella niet alleen de opname van giftige dioxines vermindert, maar er bovendien voor zorgt dat die rommel via de ontlasting weer verlaat.
In Japan gebeurde dat in 1968, toen dioxines in de regio van Yusho in rijstolie zaten. Symptomen van dioxinevergiftiging zijn onder meer "fatigue, gastrointestinal disorder, joint pain, weight loss, anorexia, hyperpigmentation of the nails and skin, and porphyria". Studie 1 Als de ratten mensen waren geweest, hadden ze grofweg 60 gram chlorella per dag gekregen. Dat is trouwens wel tamelijk veel. Don't try this at home. De suppletie vergrootte de hoeveelheid dioxines in de ontlasting. Op een manier die de onderzoekers niet helemaal begrijpen, vermindert chlorella de opname van dioxines. De tabel hieronder is verkleind. Klik er op voor een grotere versie. Studie 2 De tabel hieronder vertelt dat ook in dit experiment chlorella de hoeveelheid dioxines in de ontlasting vergroot.
Mechanisme "The first factor is dietary fiber in Chlorella cells. We reported previously that several types of dietary fiber bind dioxin and stimulate the excretion [...]. After ingestion of Chlorella, dietary fibers contained in Chlorella cells may inhibit dioxin absorption from the digestive tract, promoting its excretion into feces." "The second factor that may be involved in the inhibition of absorption and reabsorption of dioxin is the chlorophyll in Chlorella cells. It has been reported that chlorophyllin, a chlorophyll derivative, forms a complex with heterocyclic amines. The chlorophyll contained in Chlorella cells may form a complex with dioxin congeners with a planar structure, thereby inhibiting absorption in the digestive tract." "The third component that may be involved in the reabsorption of dioxin is the lipid in Chlorella cells. It has been reported that [...] Chlorella lipids composed of glycolipid and phospholipid in rats fed a high cholesterol diet, and found that Chlorella prevented the absorption of endogenous and exogenous cholesterol in bile and increased the excretion of cholesterol from the body." "Therefore, fiber, chlorophyll, and lipids contained in Chlorella cells may be involved in the inhibition of absorption of dioxin in the digestive tract and reabsorption of dioxins in bile." "To prevent damage by dioxin in humans, dioxin ingested via food should be captured in the digestive tract and absorption should be decreased by ingestion of foods such as Chlorella, which contains abundant dietary fiber and chlorophyll." "In addition, excretion of dioxin already accumulated in the body should be promoted by increasing catabolism and inhibiting reabsorption of bile and dioxin secreted into the digestive tract." Bron: Meer: