Meditatie bestrijdt verkorting genetische levensduur door stress
Hoe meer stress je ervaart, hoe sneller verouder je. Door stress worden stukjes in je DNA, de telomeren, sneller korter dan normaal. Hoe telomeren en veroudering met elkaar samenhangen, lees je hier. Gelukkig kun je die stressgerelateerde levensduurverkorting reduceren. Als je elke dag 12 minuten een meditatieve yoga-oefening uitvoert, activeer je een enzym dat de telomeren in je DNA weer langer maakt.
De ene groep deed elke dag 12 minuten ontspanningsoefeningen [Relaxation]. De oefeningen stonden op een CD.
De andere groep deed dagelijks 12 minuten Kirtan Kriya, een basale meditatieve yoga-oefening uit de Kundalini-yoga [Meditation]. Hoe je die meditatie uitvoert zie je hieronder. We snaaiden de tekst van de website ThoughtCo.com. [thoughtco.com January 09, 2017]
Voor en na het experiment bepaalden de onderzoekers in het bloed de concentratie van het enzym telomerase. Telomerase maakt telomeren langer, waardoor mogelijk de levensduur toeneemt. Tevens namen de onderzoekers psychologische tests af, waarmee ze de geestelijke gezondheid van de studiedeelnemers konden beoordelen.
In beide groepen verminderden de Hamiltonscores. Hoe lager die zijn, hoe minder ernstig een depressie is. In beide groepen namen ook Mental Component Summary-scores [MCS] op de SF-36 toe. Dat betekent dat de studiedeelnemers zich beter voelden. Al deze positieve resultaten waren iets overtuigender in de meditatiegroep.
"Shortened telomere length and reduced telomerase predict a host of health risks and diseases, and new findings suggest they may be regulated in part by psychological stress, stress appraisals, and well-being."
"Jacobs et al reported increased telomerase activity in 30 meditation retreat participants with a six-hour daily meditation practice for three months compared to 30 wait-list control participants matched by age, sex, and prior meditation experience." [Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2011 Jun;36(5):664-81.]
"Our study is the first to indicate changes in telomerase levels in distressed caregivers with Kirtan Kriya meditation."
"In comparison to previous reports, our pilot results are striking given a brief daily Kirtan Kriya practice can lead to improvement in mental health, cognition, and telomerase activity over the course of eight weeks. Observed close relationships between changes in telomerase levels, levels of depression, and anxiety and distress are novel and deserve further examination."
"Controlling for relaxation by the virtue of having the relaxation control group, gave us an opportunity to separate the effects of relaxation on outcomes from other meditation-specific effects. Some of the observed effects could be due to the relaxation response in both groups (e.g., improved depression), while the effects on cognitive and mental functioning and telomerase activity were specific to the Kirtan Kriya."
"Because Kirtan Kriya had several elements of using chanting, mudras and visualization, there was a 'brain fitness' effect in addition to stress-reduction that contributed to the overall effect of the meditation. We will confirm this potential mechanism in the follow up neuroimaging study of Kirtan Kriya."
"Our approach may offer valuable and cost-effective prevention strategy of treating depressive symptoms in a high-risk population for major depression. Cultural acceptability of a particular mind-body technique to an individual is a limitation among older participants, and has to be done with cultural sensitivity."
"Our results will need to be replicated in a larger sample to document the effects of mind-body approaches on stress reduction and depression prevention in this difficult-to-manage population."
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